18th - 19th September, 2024
UTAC Millbrook, Bedfordshire

Defence media are invited to attend DVD2024. Jointly sponsored by Defence Equipment & Support (Land Equipment) and Army Headquarters, DVD2024 will provide opportunities for industry and key MOD stakeholders to discuss ‘Battle Winning Ideas’, resilience and collaboration, delivering increased capability and the ability to exploit innovation.

The focus for DVD2024 will be on working together to pull the future into the present delivering a more Modern, more Lethal and more Productive Army; forming military partnerships and generating investment into UK industry through the Land Industrial Strategy; learning from current conflicts and adapting at pace to optimise procurement priorities; accelerating the Future Soldier programme; and working with industry to exploit science
and technology to develop next-generation capabilities to meet the requirements of a modern, lethal army.

DVD provides an effective and efficient forum for all those involved in the Land Equipment sector to develop ideas and it remains an important event enabling this coordinated engagement through informal discussion, briefings, demonstrations and displays.

DVD2024 Themes:

  • Resilience and Collaboration are fundamental aspects of deterrent in a more dangerous world. Through the Land Industrial Strategy, the Army and DE&S will seek to outpace our adversaries by forming military partnerships built around shared capabilities, generating investment into UK industry; ensuring the Army is ready to fight and win.
  • ‘Battle Winning Ideas’ make our land forces more adaptable, more agile, and more lethal. By learning from current conflicts Defence can adapt at pace to do more with what we have now and ensure we optimise our procurement priorities to face the threats of the future.
  • Delivering Increased Capability faster through the implementation of the Integrated Procurement Model means the Army, with support from a newly optimised DE&S can accelerate its Future Soldier programme – making it the most lethal army in Europe. This new approach allows the British Army, in partnership with DE&S, to rapidly increase capability for tomorrow by delivering a minimum deployable solution which will benefit from spiral development and integrate across the battlespace by default.
  • Our ability to exploit innovation to develop and integrate novel technologies at all stages of the procurement process will ensure the Army is more resilient and can adapt at pace to face threats of today and tomorrow. Through DE&S and Dstl investment in science and technology can develop next generation capabilities to meet the requirements of a modern,
    lethal Army.

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